Royal Blue Flower Bouquet #rac101


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Sold By : Oh Best Day Ever SKU: 2235700119651846 Categories: ,


Size: Aproximateley 11″ Quantity: One bouquet Production time: 7 to 10 days 11″ Round silk rose flower bouquet. Each bouquet is embellished with crystals & rhinestone brooches thru out. This silk flower bouquet is ideal for quinceaneras or brides. This bouquet will be hand made just for you. We will make every effort to make bouquet as close to picture as possible. Due to our hand crafting of this flower bouquet there might be slight rhinestone variations from one bouquet to another. If you must have your bouquet identical to picture, please add a note to your order. We’ll be glad to try match it as close as possible. Ramo redondo de 11″ en flor de seda. Cada ramo esta embellecido con cristales y broches y piedras brillantes. Este hermoso ramo es ideal para novias o quinceaneras. Su ramo se hara a mano especialmente para usted. Hacemos todo esfuerzo para hacer su ramo lo mas parecido a la foto. Dado a que este ramo es hecho con manos artesanas puede haber algunas variaciones en la piedreria. Si su ramo debe ser indenticamente a la foto, haganoslo saber. Con mucho gusto haremos todo lo posible para hacerlo lo mas cercano a la foto posible. Royal Blue Flower Bouquet #rac101